Friday, May 29, 2015

Happy Birthday Ardyth!

Happy Birthday Ardyth!
I couldn't resist making a rainbow card for you!
I hope that you have received the card, but if not, have a wonderful day!

It's also my son's birthday today, my baby turns 24!  I won't be at home to celebrate with him as I am in Knoxville, TN with WINO Yvonne and helping with painting a house for her son, a new doctor, who is setting up for a five year residency.

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Chriss you are such a wonderful friend! This rainbow garden will surely make Ardyth smile on her birthday! hope you are having a great time!
    =] Michele

  2. What a great card!! Happy birthday to your 'baby' and to Ardyth!

  3. This is such a cool card for Ardyth, Chriss! So HER!! Happy belated Birthday to your baby!! Have a fun time and safe travels!! Hugs, Darnell

  4. What glorious rainbow daisies, Chriss ... so completely Ardyth! Happy Birthday (very belated!) to your son too! Hugs, Anita :)

  5. Sweet your rainbow of daisies.


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